Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New Blog...

Well I'm trying out a new blog... so far so good, i really like it. Ill be keeping this one up at least till i offcially decide im switching over, unfortunately word press cannot transfer New blogger stuff, i knew i should kept with the old blogger LOL The New and Improved Confessions of a Digital Scrapper You can also find it at: http://supremadesigns.com

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Well Smurf...

Ok so i have to admit ive spent several hours in the last 2 days in front of this computer reading a certin thread over at DST.. If you dont know what thread im talking about, well the title of this blog is a clue :) It's been fun getting to know some of the people there that i knew nothing about prior to this.

Well tomorrow is the day, it is my very 1st 29th birthday hehe... I'm excited, yet i havent quite figured out how long i will stay 29, i might actually be perfectly ok with turning 30, kinda means im an official grown up huh?? I guess ill have to start acting like one...Oh well..

Me and Dh went out tonight to celebrate a double date at Applebee's, it was fun, the service was well OK, i wiggled my way out of being sang happy birthday to by all the staff, but still got my birthday treat!! YAY!! So for that the waiter got props and made up for the slow service!!

Have a good night everyone!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Big News and a challenge...

WOW I've had a string of good luck lately... Firstly being invited to Kathryn's CT, its been so much fun working with her designs, they really do rock!! I am currently working on a year in reveiw album that im making using her Altered Art Spiral album . I had big plans with it, but im struggling a bit, i think because its such a big project, but im sure it will be awesome once its done.

Secondly, I was asked to Join the CT at Digi Scrap Shak I of course accepted, who could pass that offer up!! I am very excited to get to work there, lots of great designers there, and lots of fun stuff to work with.

Third, I was asked to possibly photograph a wedding for a complete stranger! That was very encouraging. When i declined do to my lack of experience, she offered to let me come out anyway to get the practice, how awesome is that!! So in July it looks like ill be shooting a wedding :) I can hardly wait.

Ok so for the challenge, There is a new BLOG IT Challenge for January at DSS, This week's challenge is to post your best photo of 2006, I had to think about this for a sec, then i remember this shot, its probably not my favorite overall picture of 2006, but it means the most to me because its my grandparents, and i just dont see them that often, and well, they are getting older:

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I got some good shots of Kaitlyn today, finally! I'm working on getting new black and white shots of all the kids for the dining room.. Here is Kaitlyn's. Taken with my Olympus E-500 settings are as follows: ISO 400 F4.5 108mm 1/320