Monday, July 31, 2006

My Newest

Just wanted to share my latest kit with anyone who reads my blog! Its available at The Daily Scrap for only 5 bucks!! Back to School: Star Student
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That's My sister's car!! She's ok, dont worry, but i could honestly strangle her. You wanna know why her car looks like that?? Take a guess??? She was driving DRUNK!! My sister has this really bad habit of getting so drunk she can barely walk or talk, and then getting behind the wheel!! Ive told her what an idiot she is several times, but of course she doesnt listen. Her boyfriend messaged me on yahoo, saying thank God for you and people like you, that prayer for people, i was all like huh because i didnt know yet. So he is going on and on about how its such a blessing my sister is ok, and not hurt worse, well i guess. Don't get me wrong, im glad my sister is ok, but i dont feel the least bit bad for her, this is a stupid decision she constantly makes, and it finally caught up with her, and its not like someone driving drunk has not affected our lives. Our Nephew's father was killed because he was driving drunk, and wrapped his car around a tree!! So now im being made to feel bad, because i see the true miracle in this as being, she didnt hurt or kill anyone else with her extremely ignorant decision!! I'm sorry but i just cant feel bad for her!! Hopefully this will be a wake up call, but i doubt it, as she was not charged with DUI, and her boyfriends response was "that didnt have anything to do with the accident", I guess trees just jump out in front of cars these days and fall on them!!! I havent spoke to her, she is mad at me for feeling the way i do, maybe its harsh, but im sure the greif a family would have felt by losing a loved one to her stupid decision, is way worse than any Harsh words i have for her!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 28, 2006

Disappointed to say the Least

I havent blogged about this yet, because it just eats away at me. The aftermath of last weeks storms as devastating for some. Missouri did a great job in getting help to those who needed it, unfortunately, i dont live in Missouri, which is where the disappointed comes in. The night of the storm, and the next day, while i sit in my horribly hot house. I did not see a single government official!! No patrols in the neighborhood, no checking for damage, not a thing!! A week later, ive not heard a single thing! My phone was out, i had no power, no communication except my cell phone, which barely worked due to a tower being knocked out, not to mention the lack of it being charged, since there was no power! Thankfully i had transportation, had i not, who knows what would have happened. There was absolutely no communication as to where to go to get cool, get food (most ours spoiled of course), get water (the majority of the area was under a boil order)...ETC ETC....and still to this day over a week later, ive not heard a single thing about what Gov. Blagovich is doing for our area. Yet i see on the news all the time what the Missouri Governer is doing, he even called in the national guard!! To help with clean up and to check on people so that they were informed!! Our entire neighborhood is still littered with limbs up and down all the streets, all dried out, just in time for a major heat wave, can we save FIRE HAZARD!! It just scares me to death, someone stupid is going to throw a lit cigarette out their car window and burn someone's house down or something!! Or worse some little kid will be nearby and get burned horribly!! Im so annoyed at our Gov at this present time, i could scream!! Im sure he is up in Cook County, sitting pretty in his mansion, while all of us little people have to sit here and wonder how on earth we are going to clean up, and pay for all this damage, that the insurance company wont cover!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

even more Posted by Picasa

more of the yard Posted by Picasa

our tree LOL Posted by Picasa

the trampoline Posted by Picasa

Our backYard Posted by Picasa

A LO and more from the store ( i think one is a repeat LOL i took too many pictures) Things are getting back to normal around here, well aside from the roads being lined with limbs!! Most everyone has power, and those who dont should have it by Wednesday! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Storm

The last few days have been hectic, and hot :P No power since Wednesday evening. The damage this storm did was crazy. No tornado, just lots of wind!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

My latest LO using my Tuscan Sunset kit, which you can get at Digitals and The Daily scrap (links to the right) Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 14, 2006


Im ready....As of August 1st i will be hosting the monthly Color challenge at Digitals
Im very excited, it should be alot of fun, and i sure hope you all come and join me each month. An added bonus, you complete this challenge, along with the others and collect all the peices to the HUGE mega kit we create each month!! You still have time to get in on the July challenges, check out the forum!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Lost another Ear ring

My daughter Sophia 16 months, has lost yet another earring, i never see her mess with them, but they keep coming up missing out of her ears!? Do they just fall out all on their own? Or maybe there is a earring troll who comes along and steals them LOL because once they fall out, they are never seen again. I sure hope she doesnt get them out and then try to eat them? Ive gotten to a point where i rarely put earrings in her ears, but i did yesterday for the first time in a long time, to make sure her ears dont close up, and what do ya know, after going all day yesterday, and me putting her to bed with them in (i didnt think to take them out since theyd stayed in all day) she woke up this morning, with only one earring!! :P I give up!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

YAY!! He's Home!!

Ok i didnt talk much about it, because i dont like to let the whole world know im at home alone LOL. But DH has been gone for the last 2 weeks, and came home today, and lucky break, he got home 6 hours earlier than planned, he got lucky and they let him out early enough to catch an earlier flight :) YAY!! Its so nice to have him home. We went out to our favorite resturant tonight, Olga's (this place rawks!! its where we go when we cant decide where to go, because the food is always great!). I have a feeling im going to sleep much better to, i hate sleeping in an empty bed!!
By the way for those of you wondering where dh was, he has been in NYC doing some training, he is in the Naval Reserves, i love my part time man in uniform!! :)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

My papers for the new kit!! Posted by Picasa

Elements preveiw for my new kit :) Not done with all of them yet though :) Posted by Picasa


I think its finally working YAY!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I think my blog is broke, is this working??

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Gotta Love the Digital Age

I've decided that im totally in love with the digital age, it seems so surreal to me that when i was my children's ages, computers in the home were pretty much unheard of, now we have 3 LOL (only 2 work though!!)...Along with this, is the wonderful technolgy that is allowing me to sit on my deck and blog, while my children play in the pool!! :) Gotta love it!! Let's not talk about the ability to digi scrap on the road LOL :) Yep i have actually scrapped while traveling in the car!! That was fun :) Wanna see?? I did this while on our way to the Tulsa International Workshop back in March: