Saturday, April 29, 2006

Check it out!

Here's my newest kit, its call Thursday Night, mostly because i started working on it, on a thursday night while DH was at a Union meeting :) You can find it here: Thursday Night at Suprema Designs And just for visiting my blog, you get a free add on for this kit: Download Here Or here

Friday, April 28, 2006


Ok so I admit, I have messengers! Lots of them :) I enjoy keeping in touch with people online via IM. No biggy I know, but I have it clearly stated that I am married, and if possible I put happily married on all my profiles. Why oh why do strange men still insist on IMing me?? I have no desire to chat with any other man online except maybe my father, and that's a big maybe!! Especially since my father is tech challenged, and instead of hitting the reply button when I e-mail him, he calls me LOL....Yea I know I find it hilarious!! I have way to much love and respect for my husband to chat with other men online for any reason what so ever, so don't play the I just want be your friend card, I've been using the internet for years and years, and I know you don't just want to be my friend!! So get some respect for yourself, and as well for others, and quit IMing married women, seriously if you dont have enough respect for yourself, then do you honestly think anyone will respect you?? Doubt it!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My poor Neglected Blog :(

Im sorry blog i have ignored you all week long! Will you forgive me??

Yea i know im silly!! Ive been busy, and sick this week, so between the two, there hasnt been much time to blog, the grand opening is going ok, i suppose, the server was down half of Monday for the forum and gallery, but its been ok since. And thankfully the store hasnt gone down again!!

We are getting alot of hits, so hopefully things will take off, we need to get more designers, and more kits in the store i think though!! So if your a digi scrap designer, feel free to e-mail me with samples of your work, and we can chat!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Can't Commit

Im such a slacker lately, and cant commit to anything, I made myself a promise last week, that i would clean for an hour or so before i logged onto the computer in the morning...Mostly because i tend to totally lose track of time once i log on, and start working. I did it for 2 days hehe!! Although I must admit that right now the house isnt that much of a mess, so its not a huge deal, i do need to do some laundry though, (that never ends of course). So my commitment today is to do the dishes when the girls are all napping, and also to have a quiet time, i havent sat down for a quiet time in forever, Bad me!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Crazy Week

This week has been insane!! Partially im sure because the kids are on spring break!! Ive been super busy getting the site up and running for the big grand opening!! I can hardly wait!! We had a few snafus, but its all better now!! Im now concentrating hard on getting more designs up in the store!! Im working on my friday freebie, for digital freebies as well, that's been fun, but no sneak peaks, you will have to wait till its up to see it, and the great add ons i have for it!! Hope you all have a great holiday!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Nice Weekend

We had a really nice weekend, Brett had drill and me and Sophia just hung out here at the house!
I got a bunch of work done on the website, and just kinda lounged around.
Yesterday we took Tristan out on his new bike!! YAY!! That was fun, he did really well!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

To tithe or not to!

How do you find financial freedom, in this crazy world of i want it now?? Its hard, beleive me i know its hard! Ive been dirt poor, homeless, and seriously wondering how i was going to feed my kids before. It was hard, during that time i became faithful in giving to Christ. Since then, Ive continued giving faithfully and sacrificially, and have been very blessed. Me and Dh (whom I married a year and half ago) own our own home, and continue to be faithful in giving, and our family, though we do not have everything we may want, we have everything we need and then some, which is all that really matters!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Neglectful and Stupid Pop-up Blockers!!

I just had a whole post written out about now I feel like im neglecting my family these days while i spend hours upon hours working on my website :( Yea i went to spell check, and the pop up blocker blocked the window, and then there went my post :( I swear they only block important stuff!! Anyways As i was saying, lately i feel like ive been super busy, and totally neglecting my housework, so today i made the commitment to clean before i logged on, i got nearly the entire living room clean (like every nook and cranny clean!!) YAY! I also got the upstairs picked up some, and plan on doing a few loads of laundry!! Dh will be so proud i wasnt lazy today! LOL

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My Favorite Room!

My favorite room in my house, is definately my dining room!! Its all me!! We are doing one room at a time, making the house "ours" and the dining room is the first room we did, I LOVE the color, nice dark red! Black furniture, its gorgeous!! I think alot of what I love about it, is the satisfaction of it all coming together, i worked very hard, and it came out just how i imagined!! Id show you before and after pics, but apparently i deleted them :(

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Just a couple days ago, i was going crazy trying to get this site up and running....then suddenly things turned a corner!! Ive actually got quite a bit done, and the site is mostly useable! Im still updating, customizing and working out kinks, but its getting there. Ive worked on setting up a forum today, and i "think" i might even get a gallery set up. If not, i plan on having a whole section in the forum devoted to being a gallery. :) At least until i start making money and can add a decent gallery!! I havent worked on kits for a bit now, i might try working on some more new stuff this evening, i dont have anything planned, i orginally planned to goto the gym tonight, but im sore from going the last two days, and decided i need to take a break!! :) We will be having some ice cream cake though, for Tristan's 6th Birthday!! And Tristan is going to be so excited to learn he is getting a brand new Bike for his birthday!! YAY!! I cant wait to see his face with that one! Ok now back to work!