Friday, July 28, 2006

Disappointed to say the Least

I havent blogged about this yet, because it just eats away at me. The aftermath of last weeks storms as devastating for some. Missouri did a great job in getting help to those who needed it, unfortunately, i dont live in Missouri, which is where the disappointed comes in. The night of the storm, and the next day, while i sit in my horribly hot house. I did not see a single government official!! No patrols in the neighborhood, no checking for damage, not a thing!! A week later, ive not heard a single thing! My phone was out, i had no power, no communication except my cell phone, which barely worked due to a tower being knocked out, not to mention the lack of it being charged, since there was no power! Thankfully i had transportation, had i not, who knows what would have happened. There was absolutely no communication as to where to go to get cool, get food (most ours spoiled of course), get water (the majority of the area was under a boil order)...ETC ETC....and still to this day over a week later, ive not heard a single thing about what Gov. Blagovich is doing for our area. Yet i see on the news all the time what the Missouri Governer is doing, he even called in the national guard!! To help with clean up and to check on people so that they were informed!! Our entire neighborhood is still littered with limbs up and down all the streets, all dried out, just in time for a major heat wave, can we save FIRE HAZARD!! It just scares me to death, someone stupid is going to throw a lit cigarette out their car window and burn someone's house down or something!! Or worse some little kid will be nearby and get burned horribly!! Im so annoyed at our Gov at this present time, i could scream!! Im sure he is up in Cook County, sitting pretty in his mansion, while all of us little people have to sit here and wonder how on earth we are going to clean up, and pay for all this damage, that the insurance company wont cover!!


Jessica Dixon said...

Deena, i am so sorry that you and your family, and everyone else around you has to deal with this! I would be trying to call the police, or whomever I could to get this worked out! It is horrible that they have not even made an attempt to come talk to anyone or do anything! And I hope that nothing bad happens like you mentioned in your post about fires, that would be even more horrible.

Good luck with finding out something! Will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers!

Jessica Dixon

Deanna said...

awe man girl..I cant even begin to imagine your frustration... What a hard thing to watch others receiving the help that you need, and are not getting.. better march over to that dang gov office and smack him aside the praying that your neighborhood is done with its damage...big hugs Deena

Brandi said...

I never even thought about that - I'm in KC and all we heard about on the news was the "St. Louis area" and we almost never associate Illinois with St. Louis... ignorance on our part, I guess. I'm sorry you're having such trouble. Is it better now?