Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Little Whine

I want a new camera!! I love my lil Sony Cybershot, it was served me well! It really does take amazing pictures, but usually only outdoors :( Which is extremely frustrating!! Ive been drooling over Digital SLR's for a while now, but no way Hubby is going to let me spend close to 900 bucks or better on a new camera :( Pout Pout!! I cant say i disagree with him, its not a nesscity by any means, and it is alot of money, for something i just plain want. I found this Olympus (great reveiws) at Dell for less than 900 bucks, and it comes with 2 lenses!! Incredible i tell you!! Im drooling, and whining, i want this!!! And cant have it, i swear im gonna start a fund for my new camera LOL! I know DH will never let me buy it otherwise, i gotta come up with the money somehow....How sad is it that im seriously considering taking donations for this camera LOL....I post on ALOT of message boards, and if everyone donated just a buck, id be set!! Shoot id be more than set, as some of these message boards have a couple thousand members! Of course this brings back memories of that girl who did something similar for Breast Implants....Now if she can get a few grand for breast implants, i should be able to get a grand for a great camera!! What's a grand to be able to save memories for my family for a lifetime! OK ill quit whining now :) OK So i totally did it, i started a makeshift site, to accept donations for me to be able to purchase a Digital SLR LOL Yep im crazy...Im sure it wont work, but id never know if i didnt try, so check it out : Help Me Pursue My Dream


Anonymous said...

How funny. I have been eyeing that camera myself for some time. But getting might be another thing altogether. MONEY, of course. Hope you get it girl.

Anonymous said...

GL! That is a totally crazy venture! Might start a trend ;)