Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chance of Lifetime!

I have won an amazing opportunity! The Chance to be in Joey Mcintyre's new music video!... There is one small catch though... I have to get myself to LA by Wednesday! Not the most practical thing for us since hubby's car just broke down :(... However I had a few people offer to help so I would not miss out on this chance! So I am posting a donation button to paypal, if I raise the funds it will allow me the trip of a lifetime (I mean how many people get to say they were in a music video??) I would like to add that if for some reason I do not raise enough money, or cannot go on the trip at the last minute the money donated will be returned to everyone who donates (although if you wish let me know in the comments and I can donate it to! I am way to honest to keep it! To those who donate THANK YOU!!!